
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dracula's Last Rites (1980; Domonic Paris)

Several years ago, I found this and three other Paragon VHS titles for $1.99 each, in a sales cart outside of a local used book and movie store. After going inside to pay for them, and plunking down the tapes on the counter, the cashier asked incredulously: “You want these?!?”

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Jennifer (Brice Mack; 1978)

Jennifer was a release from drive-in specialists American-International Pictures to cash in on the success of Carrie (hence the one-word title referring to the female protagonist). In this blatant rip-off, the mousey misfit spouts a power over snakes, rather than telekinesis, which comes in handy for her revenge on the snotty school clique that picks on her. The movie was renamed Jennifer The Snake Goddess for television, and I actually prefer that title! It encapsulates the cheesy appeal of this minor but absorbing chiller.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sins of the Fleshapoids (1965; Mike Kuchar)

Mike Kuchar’s underground classic, Sins of the Fleshapoids was released to DVD by Craig Baldwin’s great Other Cinema label, with the bonus of two shorts that are of equal importance, all with very entertaining full-length commentary by their creator; all gleefully absurd morality plays, with dark overtones, cautioning one’s pursuits of pleasure.